Mifare Downloads

NOTICE ( 21.MAR.2017 )

We are glad to declare that a new SDK is available for Python3. All of our mifare readers and modules are supported i.e. SM130, SM5210

Please contact with us for a new build for your platform that is not listed below:

Tested Operating Systems:

- Windows 10 64 Bit (Windows-10-10.0.14393-SP0)

- Debian 64 bit (Linux-3.16.0-4-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-8.3)

- Ubuntu 16.04 32 bit (Linux-4.4.0-66-generic-i686-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial)

- Raspberry Pi 3 (Linux-4.4.38-v7+-armv71-with-debian-8.0) ( RASPBIAN JESSIE WITH PIXEL)

We plan to test on BeagleBone and other OSes in the following days.


pip install pymifare (or sudo pip3 install pymifare)

or download at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymifare/

Example Python Project:

Using pymifare package and including all command set:


SM5210 Mini Mifare Module Downloads

For SM5210 communication protocol please reference SM130 Datasheet below. You can also use SMRFID Mifare and Mifare Quick software tools to study TX(transmitted) and RX(received) serial packages.

Mifare Downloads

  •  SM130 Datasheet
     SM130 Mifare Module Datasheet & Firmware Manual ( Includes SMX1300 firmware)
  •  SM132-USB Datasheet
     SM132-USB Mifare Module Datasheet
  •  User Manual
     User Guide for SM130 / SM132-USB / SMX1300  / Evaluation Kits  and SMRFID Mifare Software and Mifare Cards' Basic
  •  AN601
     Firmware: I2C 2.8 Communication Protocol


  •  SMRFID Mifare v1.2
     Software tool designed for configuring, evaluating and testing  SM13X or SM5210 devices. For new features of SM5210 you can use Mifare Quick software tool below.
  •  Mifare Quick with .NET Source Code
     MifareQuick is another software tool with source code, written in .NET C#. It can be used to configure new features of SM5210 modules.
     If you would like to run software directly;  run the exe file found in bin/Release folder.
  •  Mifare Light with .NET Source Code
     Very basic implementation to start up with C# software programming
     If you would like to run software directly;  run the exe file found in bin/Release folder.

We have no documantation for the MifareQuick and MifareLight but; you can investigate the source code of MifareQuick, MifareLight if you are going to write C# code.
For development purpose; If project asks for MifareSDK then add Reference>mifareComm.dll

  •  SM13X FU
      Firmware upgrade tool for SM130 (Flash Burner) for upgrading SM13X devices - Requires encrypted firmware file

Mifare Tag/Card Datasheets